Het was eventjes wachten, maar ondertussen ligt het in de winkel: de eerste editie van het nieuwe arbeidsrechtelijke tijdschrift onder redactie van prof. dr. Frank Hendrickx (KUL): de European Labour Law Journal. Het tijdchrift wordt uitgegeven door Intersentia.
Zie hier de inhoudsopgave van de eerste editie:
"The Internal Market and the Future of Labour Law in Europe: Insights from the Nordic Countries" - Birgitta Nyström "Free Movement and Fundamental Rights" - Ruth Nielsen
"The Future of Labour Law: Insights from an East European Country" - Csilla Kollonay
"The Legal Definition of the Employment Relationship" - Bernd Waas
"The Future of Collective Labour Law in Europe" - Frank Hendrickx
"European Integration and Trans-National Employment Regulation: The Company-Level Experience of EFAs in the Metal Sector in Europe" - Valeria Pulignano
Europese rapporten:
"Cross-Border Services, Posting of Workers, and Jurisdictional Alternation" - Stein Evju
"European Industrial Relations Between Hard and Soft Law: A Sectoral and Company Perspective" - Christian Welz
"The European Directive 2009/38/EC of 6 May 2009" - Roger Blanpain
"The Temporary Agency Work Directive" - Helen Frenzel
Nationale rapporten:
"Privacy Protection within Electronic Communication: The Disputed Finnish “Lex Nokia”" - Anders von Koskull
"French Prohibition of Harassment at Work: A Case of Complex Articulation of Moral and Sex, under European Influence" - Sophie Robin-Olivier
"Dutch Courts Struggle with Severance Pay" - Evert Verhulp
“The Future of Collective Autonomy in Europe – 7th Göttinger Forum on Labour Law" - Juliane Kuhns
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